Supporting Inclusion

Inclusive education in Scotland starts from the belief that education is a human right and the foundation for a more just society. An inclusive approach, with an appreciation of diversity and an ambition for all to achieve to their full potential, is essential to getting it right for every child and raising attainment for all. Inclusion is the cornerstone to help us achieve equity and excellence in education for all of our children and young people. (The Scottish Government, 2018)

A key role of educational psychologists in Scotland is to support Inclusion within Education. Services across Scotland have been developing a wide range of innovative ways of supporting learners within educational settings. To help share good practice and look at others ways of promoting inclusive approaches, ASPEP held a seminar on 7th February 2020 in Raploch Community Campus.  Information on the day as well as presentations from contributors is available below.

ASPEP Inclusion Seminar Agenda

ASPEP Inclusion Seminar Introduction

ASPEP Seminar – Inclusive Communication

Handbook for Inclusive Communication ELC

Inclusive Practices in the Classroom – CIRCLE

The ASD Consultation Approach- South Lanarkshire EPS

West Lothian Presentation – Inclusion Seminar

Neurodevelopmental Difficulties Training in Highland Council